09.11 Further reading

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Categories: Advanced Glazings


The documents listed below have been classified as follows

  • Key References
  • CWCT Publications
  • British Standards
  • Other Standards
  • Other References

Some but not all of of these documents are referred to in the sections of this package. Key references generally cover a significant proportion of the subject matter of the package in greater detail than presented here. Other references generally relate to a small part of the subject matter of the package; they range from short papers to text books. No attempt has been made to compile a comprehensive bibliography but where a literature search has been carried out for other purposes the list of other references is extensive. British Standards include European and ISO Standards adopted as British Standards. It should be noted that British Standards are updated from time to time and that in this updating process they are being replaced by European Standards. The Standards listed may not necessarily be the most up to date version. The current status of Standards can be checked using the BSI online catalogue at www.bsi.org.uk .  Other Standards includes Building Regulations, standards published by other national standards organisations and standards and guidance documents produced by recognised societies and institutions.

Key References
Button D. and Pye B. (eds), 1993, Glass in building, Butterworth Architecture, 370pp

CWCT Publications
Harris R.M., 1995, Guide to the design of thermally improved glazing frames, Centre for Window and Cladding Technology, 200pp

Harris R.M. and Ledbetter S. R., Use of advanced glazings, Centre for Window and Cladding Technology, 113pp.

Ledbetter S. and Harris R. (eds), 1999, Glass in buildings, Proceedings of international conference held at University of Bath, 31 March to 1 April 1999.

British Standards
BS 6993:Part 1, 1989, Thermal and radiometric properties of glazing Part 1. Method for calculation of the steady state U-value (thermal transmittance), British Standards Institution, 10pp

Other Standards
CSA A440.2-93, 1993, Energy performance evaluation of windows and sliding glass doors, Canadian Standards Association, 70pp

CIBSE, 1987, CIBSE Applications Manual: Window Design, Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers, London, 66pp

CIBSE A2, 1982,  Weather & solar data, CIBSE Guide Part A2, Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers, London,
NFRC, 1993, Technical, operational and administrative foundations for fenestration rating, certification and labeling: The NFRC multi-year plan, National Fenestration Rating Council, Maryland, USA, 50pp

NFRC, 1995, Certified products directory, 4th edition January 1995, National Fenestration Rating Council, Maryland, USA, 320pp

NFRC 100-91, 1991, Procedure for determining fenestration product thermal properties (currently limited to U-values)
National Fenestration Rating Council, Maryland, USA, 23pp

NFRC 100-91, 1994, Technical interpretations, 5th edition November 1994, National Fenestration Rating Council, Maryland, USA, 47pp

NFRC 200-93, 1993, Procedure for determining fenestration product solar heat gain coefficients at normal incidence, draft
National Fenestration Rating Council, Maryland, USA, 18pp

NFRC CAP 1-92, 1992, Certification agency program, National Fenestration Rating Council, Maryland, USA, 50pp

NFRC LAP 1-92, 1992, Laboratory accreditation program, National Fenestration Rating Council, Maryland, USA, 80pp

NFRC PCP 1-92, 1992, Product certification program, National Fenestration Rating Council, Maryland, USA, 43pp

Other References
AAWG, 1994
A window to the future
Newsletter of the Australasian Advanced Windows Group, volume 2 no 4, November 1994, 8pp

Ballinger J., Cassell D., Prasad D. and Lyons P., 1995
The integration of window labelling in the nationwide house energy rating scheme (NatHERS) for Australia
Proceedings of Window Innovations ‘95, Toronto, 5-6th June 1995, pp300-308

Bartenbach C. and Klingler M., 1994,Daylight management and integrated artificial lighting, European directory of energy efficient building 1994, James & James Science Publishers, pp108-121

Bell J. and Burt W., 1995, Designing buildings for daylight, BRE report BR288,Building Research Establishment, 95pp

Benemann J., 1994, Photovoltaic facades, European directory of energy efficient building 1994, James & James Science Publishers, pp85-88

Blower N., 1996, Insulating glass trends, Glass Age, v39 n4, April 1996, pp36

BRE Digest 438, 1999, Photovoltaics: integration into buildings, 6pp.

BRECSU-OPET, 1992, Energy efficient lighting in buildings, A Thermie Programme Action - Rational Use of Energy
Commission of the European Communities, Brussels, 16pp

Brinker C.J. and Scherer G.W., 1990, Sol-gel science: the physics and chemistry of sol-gel processing
Academic Press Limited, London, 908pp

Building Services Journal, 1995, Advancing the cause of low energy design - Artificial and natural lighting
Building Services Journal, January, pp40-41

Button D.A. and Dunning R., 1989, An investigation into the long-term requirements for fenestration A market context study, Fenestration 2000 Phase I report, Pilkington Glass Limited, 106pp

Colt, 1993, Interactive window system, Colt international Holdings, 8pp

CONIAC, 1995, Designing for health and safety in construction A guide for designers on the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 1994, Construction Industry Advisory Committee, Health and Safety Commission, HSE Books, HMSO, 42pp

Crooks B., Larsen J., Sullivan R., Arasteh D. and Selkowitz S., 1995, Progress in the development of NFRC’s residential fenestration annual energy rating method, Proceedings of Window Innovations ‘95, Toronto, 5-6th June 1995, pp202-217

Duer K., Svendsen S., Chevalier J.L., Chevalier B., Platzer W.J., Stangl R. and Wittwer V., 1995, Aerogel windows - material evaluation within IEA SH&CP Task 18, Proceedings of Window Innovations ‘95, Toronto, 5-6th June 1995, pp563-571

EAB-OPET, 1993, Photovoltaic technologies and their future potential, A Thermie Programme Action - Renewable Energy
Commission of the European Communities, Brussels, 30pp

Endres B. and Benz V.W., 1994, Infrared-reflective glazing, European directory of energy efficient building 1994
James & James Science Publishers, pp63-66

ETSU-OPET, 1993, Transparent insulation technology, A Thermie Programme Action - Renewable Energy
Commission of the European Communities, Brussels, 16pp

Field A., 1994, Super-insulation from sand, Building Services Journal, October, pp45-46

Fraunhofer ISE, 1995, Achievements and results, Annual Report 1995, 87pp

Frost K., Arasteh D. and Eto J., 1993, Savings from energy efficient windows: Current and future savings from new fenestration technologies in the residential market, paper LBL-33956 WG-300 UC-350, Energy & Environment Division, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, University of California, April 1993, 51pp

Garries R. and Mathis R.C., 1995, Instant, annual, life: A discussion on the current practice and evolution of fenestration energy performance ratings, Proceedings of Window Innovations ‘95, Toronto, 5-6th June 1995, pp196-201

Goethe R., 1994, Photovoltaics in buildings, European directory of energy efficient building 1994
James & James Science Publishers, pp81-84

Goethe R. and Kwasny R.J., 1993, Value-added sun shading The integration of photovoltaics in buildings, European directory of energy efficient building 1993, James & James Science Publishers, pp61-65

Halcrow Gilbert Associates, 1992, Review of advanced glazing technology and study of benefits for the UK, Fenestration 2000 Phase II report ETSU S 1342, Energy Technology Support Unit, Department of Trade and Industry, 130pp

Henry R.P., 1995, Canada’s energy rating systems for windows and doors now implemented in a national energy code for houses
Proceedings of Window Innovations ‘95, Toronto, 5-6th June 1995, pp231-241

Hogan J., 1995, The use of NFRC ratings in U.S. energy codes, Proceedings of Window Innovations ‘95, Toronto, 5-6th June 1995, pp309-324

HSC, 1995, Managing construction for health and safety, Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 1994 Approved Code of Practice, Health and Safety Commission, HSE Books, HMSO, 53pp

Johnson T.E., 1991, Low-e glazing design guide, Butterworth Architecture, USA, ISBN 0-7506-9147-6

Kümpers R. and Link A., 1994, Capillary-structured transparent insulation for passive solar energy gain, European directory of energy efficient building 1994, James & James Science Publishers, pp97-98

Lampert C.M., 1995, Chromogenic switchable glazing: towards the development of the smart window
Proceedings of Window Innovations ‘95, Toronto, 5-6th June 1995, pp348-364

Lampert C.M. and Ma Y-P., 1992, Advanced glazing materials study, Fenestration 2000 Phase III report ETSU S 1215
Energy Technology Support Unit, Department of Trade and Industry, 87pp

Littlefair P.J., 1995, Daylighting design for display-screen equipment, BRE Information Paper IP10/95
Building Research Establishment, June 1995, 4pp

Littlefair P.J., 1996, Designing with innovative daylighting, BRE Report BR305, Building Research Establishment, 66pp

Lowe R. and Olivier D., 1995, The ins and outs of low energy glazing, Building Services Journal, April, pp49-51

Mathis R.C., 1991, What NFRC means to manufacturers of windows and doors, Fenestration, November/December, pp16-21

McKee F.B., 1994, Fluidized glazing and cladding, McKee Fluidized Glazing and Cladding, 6pp

Müller H., 1994, Innovative use of light-directing holograms with solar cells, European directory of energy efficient building 1994
James & James Science Publishers, pp67-69

Nagai J., McMeeking G.D., Seike T. and Noutomi Y., 1994, Smart electrochromic glazing, Glazing Today, December 1994, pp33-36

O’Catháin C. and Howrie A.J., 1994, Passive solar house design studies: Northern Ireland Final reports, report ETSU S1299-P1
Energy Technology Support Unit, Department of Trade and Industry, 400pp

Peuportier B., 1994, Transparent insulation Architectural creativity and energy efficiency, European directory of energy efficient building 1994, James & James Science Publishers, pp91-96

Platzer W.J. and Braun P.O., 1995, Transparent insulation technology for buildings - a review, Proceedings of Window Innovations ‘95, Toronto, 5-6th June 1995, pp588-597

Schmid J., 1994, Integrated photovoltaics in architecture, European directory of energy efficient building 1994
James & James Science Publishers, pp73-74

Selkowitz S.E., Rubin M., Lee E.S. and Sullivan R., 1994, A review of electrochromic window performance factors, paper LBL-35486 UC-1600, Energy & Environment Division, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, University of California, April 1994, 23pp

Sick F. and Erge T., Photovoltaics in buildings. Adesign hanbbook for architects and engineers, James and James (Science Publishers) Ltd, 287pp.

Siemens, undated, Creative fashioning of daylight - the sun shielding louver, Siemens AG Drives and Standard Products Group, Lighting Systems Division

Simko T.M., Collins R.E., Turner G.M., Tang J-Z., Fischer-Cripps A.C., and Garrison J.D., 1995, An overview of the technology of vacuum glazing, Proceedings of Window Innovations ‘95, Toronto, 5-6th June 1995, pp578-587

Southwall Technologies, 1993, Heat mirror insulating glass, product brochure, 20pp

Stokdyk J., 1996, Shady operators, Building - Doors and Windows Supplement, 12th January, pp4-6

Sullivan H.F. and Wright J.L., 1995, Guarded heater plate measurements in support of warm-edge technology
Proceedings of Window Innovations ‘95, Toronto, 5-6th June 1995, pp263-272

Thermie, 1993, Best available energy technologies for our environment, Commission of the European Communities, Brussels, 20pp

Toggweiler P., 1994, Building-integrated photovoltaics, European directory of energy efficient building 1994
James & James Science Publishers, pp76-79

UCD-OPET, 1994, Daylighting in buildings, A Thermie Programme Action - Renewable Energy
Commission of the European Communities, Brussels, 24pp

Valdes N., 1988, Low E glass Increased performance/greater design freedom, The Construction Specifier, August, pp73-78

van Dijk D. and Bakker L., 1995, Development of a European advanced Window Information System (WIS)
Proceedings of Window Innovations ‘95, Toronto, 5-6th June 1995, pp337-346

Warner J.L., Reilly M.S., Selkowitz S.E., Arasteh D.K. and Ander G.D., 1992, Utility and economic benefits of electrochromic smart windows, paper LBL-32638 UC-350, Energy & Environment Division, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, University of California, June 1992, 21pp

Watts D., 1996, Tremco gets warmer, Glass Age, v39 n4, April 1996, pp38

Wilson H.R., Raicu A., Nitz P. and Ferber J., 1995, Thermotropic glazing, Proceedings of Window Innovations ‘95, Toronto, 5-6th June 1995, pp489-498

Yannas S., 1994a, Solar energy and housing design Volume 1: Principles, objectives, guidelines, Department of Trade and Industry, Architectural Association Publications, 145pp

Button D., 1993, Glazing for the future, Architect, Builder, Contractor and Developer, February, pp31

Collins B., 1996, To E or not to E, that is the question, Glass Age, April, pp56

Conolly S., 1995, Towards the transparent envelope, The architects journal, 15 June, pp42-44

Crowther R.L., 1983, Sun/Earth alternative energy design for architecture, Van Nostrand Rheinhold, 255pp

Gläser H.J., 1988, Control of solar transmission using special Venetian blinds, Glaswelt special export edition, April, pp4-10

Goulding J.R. and Lewis J.O., 1993, Passive solar building design, European directory of energy efficient building 1993
James & James Science Publishers, pp27-31

Goulding J.R., Lewis J.O. and Steemers T.C. (eds), 1992, Energy conscious design A primer for architects
Commission of the European Communities, Batsford, 135pp

GPG35, 1993, Energy efficiency in offices. A guide for the design team, Good Practice Guide 35
Energy Efficiency Office, Department of the Environment

GPG79, 1993, Energy efficiency in new housing. Low energy design for housing associations, Good Practice Guide 79
Energy Efficiency Office, Department of the Environment

Hastings S.R. (ed), 1994, Passive solar commercial and institutional buildings A sourcebook of examples and design insights
International Energy Agency (Task XI), John Wiley & Sons, 454pp

Hutchins M. and Shaw M., 1995, Advanced glazing materials, Building Services Journal, April, pp53

Jahn K., 1993, Transparent insulation materials A new technique for solar architecture, European directory of energy efficient building 1993, James & James Science Publishers, pp82-88

Kristensen P.E., 1994, Daylighting technologies in non-domestic buildings, European directory of energy efficient building 1994, James & James Science Publishers, pp33-39

Lindsell A., 1995/6, Step on the gas, Window fabricator and installer, December 1995/January 1996, pp16-17

Lund-Hansen K., 1993, Why solar control?, European directory of energy efficient building 1993, James & James Science Publishers, pp48-49

Minne A., 1993, Advanced glazing, European directory of energy efficient building 1993, James & James Science Publishers, pp32-35

Parry M., 1993, Designs on daylight, Architect, Builder, Contractor and Developer, February, pp16-18

PSA, 1975, Solar heat and the overheating of buildings, Directorate of Building Development, Property Services Agency, HMSO, 44pp

Schmidt J., 1994, Windows and heat insulation, Finestra International, n1, pp54-58

Tatum R., 1987, The evolution of energy-saving windows, The Construction Specifier, USA, August, pp33-34

Winter S. and Ridout G., 1991, Top of the glass, Builder, 15 March, pp64-65

Yannas S., 1994b, Solar energy and housing design Volume 2: Examples, Department of Trade and Industry, Architectural Association Publications, 127pp