Line tracked camera not initialising after calibration

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Categories: Legacy - tOG Sports

In some rare cases, users might create a line tracked camera that seems to calibrate well, but fails to initialise after saving, particularly on footage from unusual camera angles. The image below shows an example of a calibrated camera failing to initialise on footage shot from an unusually high position.

The solution to this problem is found within the setup menu when creating a new camera. There are two fields which are greyed out by default which determine the maximum range of Pan and Tilt within which tOG-Sports will attempt to line track. In the case below, the default tilt is set between -28 and -3.

However, the footage is shot from a camera which is tilted at -32, therefore out of the default range. This can be verified by using the Quick Create function in a Pseudo camera and looking at the resulting parameters as below:

The solution is to add a Line Tracked camera, then at the setup menu, uncheck the auto button and re-adjust the max/min range as below:

Now click OK and re-calibrate the camera as usual.