06.06 Further reading

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Categories: Building Comfort

The documents listed below have been classified as follows

  • Key References
  • CWCT Publications
  • British Standards
  • Other Standards
  • Other References

Some but not all of of these documents are referred to in the sections of this package. Key references generally cover a significant proportion of the subject matter of the package in greater detail than presented here. Other references generally relate to a small part of the subject matter of the package; they range from short papers to text books. No attempt has been made to compile a comprehensive bibliography but where a literature search has been carried out for other purposes the list of other references is extensive. British Standards include European and ISO Standards adopted as British Standards. It should be noted that British Standards are updated from time to time and that in this updating process they are being replaced by European Standards. The Standards listed may not necessarily be the most up to date version. The current status of Standards can be checked using the BSI online catalogue at www.bsi.org.uk .  Other Standards includes Building Regulations, standards published by other national standards organisations and standards and guidance documents produced by recognised societies and institutions.

Key References

CWCT Publications

British Standards
BS 7643-3:1993, ISO 6242-3:1992 Building construction. Expression of users' requirements. Acoustical requirements

BS 8233:1999 Sound insulation and noise reduction for buildings. Code of practice

BS EN ISO 717-1:1997 Acoustics. Rating of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements. Airborne sound insulation

BS EN 12354-3:2000 Building acoustics. Estimation of acoustic performance in buildings from the performance of elements. Airborne sound insultation against outdoor sound Current

BS EN 12354-4:2000 Building acoustics. Estimation of acoustic performance in buildings from the performance of elements. Transmission of indoor sound to the outside

97/101808 DC prEN 12758-1. Glass in building. Glazing and airborne sound insulation. Part 1. Definitions and determination of properties

Other Standards

Other References
Aronoff S. and Kaplan A., 1995, “Total workplace performance: Rethinking the office environment”, WDL Publications, Ottawa.

ASHRAE, 1992, “Thermal environmental conditions for human occupancy”, ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 55-1992, ASHRAE.

Averill J.R., 1973, “Personal control over aversive stimuli and its relationship to stress”, Psychological Bulletin, Vol.80, 286-303.

Baker N. And Standeven M., 1994, “Comfort criteria for passively cooled buildings a PASCOOL task”, Renewable Energy, Vol.5, Part II, pp977-984.

Baker N. And Standeven M., 1996, “Thermal comfort in free running buildings”, Energy and Buildings, Vol. 23, pp175-182.

Bauman F., Arens E., 1996, “Task/ambient conditioning systems: Engineering and application guidelines”, Center for Environmental Design Research, University of California, Berkeley, CA.

Beutell A.W., 1934, “An analytical basis for a lighting code”, Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society, Vol.27, pp5-.

Bordass W., Leaman A., 1997, “From feedback to strategy”, Buildings in use ‘97: How buildings really work. Commonwealth Institute, London.

Bordass W., Leaman A., 1997, “Future buildings and their services”, Building Research and Information, Vol.25, No.4, pp190-195.

Bordass W.T., Bromley A.K.R. and Leaman A.J., 1995, “Comfort, control and energy efficiency in offices”, BRE Information Paper, IP3/95.

Busch J., 1992, “A tale of two populations: thermal comfort in air-conditioned and naturally ventilated offices in Thailand”, Energy and Buildings, Vol.18, pp235-249.

Butler D.L. and Biner P.M., 1987, “Preferred lighting levels: Variability among settings, behaviours and individuals”, Environment and Behaviour, 6, pp695-721.

Butler D.L. and Biner P.M., 1989, “Effects of setting on window preferences and factors associated with those preference”, Environment and Behaviour, 21, pp17-31.

Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers, 1984, “Code for interior lighting”, CIBSE, London.

Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage Comittee E-1.1, 1987, “International lighting vocabulary”, CIE Publication 17.4, Central Bureau of the CIE, Vienna.

Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage, 1975, “Guide on interior lighting”, CIE Publication 29, Vienna.

Davies A.D.M. and Davies M.G., 1995, “The adaptive model of thermal comfort”, Building Services Research and Technology, Vol.16, No.1, pp51-53.

de Dear R.J. and Fountain M.E, 1994, “Field experiments on occupant comfort and office building thermal environments in a hot-humid climate”, ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 100, No.2 pp457-475.

Donald I., 1994, “Management and change in office environments”, The Journal of Environmental Psychology, Vol.14, pp21-30.

Einhorn H.D., 1979, “Discomfort glare: a formula to bridge differences”, Lighting Research and Technology, Vol. 11, pp90-94.

Fanger P.O., 1970, “Thermal comfort analysis and applications in environmental engineering”, McGraw-Hill, New York.

Gagge A.P., Stolwijk J.A.J. and Nishi Y., 1971, “An effective temperature scale based on a simple model of human physiological regulatory response”, ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 77, No.1, pp247-262.

Haigh D., 1981, “User response in environment control”, in The Architecture of Energy (Eds. D Hawkes and J Owers), Construction Press, London.

Heerwagen J.H. and Heerwagen D.R., 1986, “Lighting and psychological comfort”, Lighting Design & Application, Vol.16, pp47-51.

Humphreys M.A., 1993, “Field studies and climate chamber experiments in thermal comfort research”, Proc. Conf. Thermal comfort: Past, present and future, Building Research Establishment.

IES Technical Committee, 1967, “Evaluation of discomfort glare: the IES Glare Index System for artificial lighting installations”, Tech. Rep. 10, illuminating Engineering society, London.

International Standards Organisation, 1984, “Moderate thermal environments - determination of PMV and PDD indices and specification of the conditions for thermal comfort”, ISO Standard 7730, Geneva, Switzerland.

Kim J.J.and Jones J., 1993, “A conceptual framework for dynamic control of daylighting and electric lighting systems”, Conference Record of the 1993 IEEE Industrial Applications Society 28th Annual Meeting, Toronto.

Knez I., 1995, “Effects of indoor lighting on mood and cognition”, Journal of Environmental Psychology, Vol.15, pp39-51.

Kroner W.M. and Stark-Martin J.A., 1994, “Environmentally responsive workstations and office-worker productivity”, ASHRAE Transactions, Vol.100, Part 2, pp750-755.

Kroner W.M., 1997, “An intelligent and responsive architecture”, Automation in Construction, Vol.200, pp1-13.

Leaman A. and Bordass W. 1997, “Productivity in buildings: The killer variables”, Creating the Productive Workplace Conference, Workplace Comfort Forum, London.

Loftness V. et al, 1994, “Beyond the open plan: New space planning concepts to support organisational, technical, and environmental change”, Center for Building Performance and Diagnostics, Carnegie Mellon University.

Markus T.A., 1967, “The significance of sunshine and view for office workers”, in Sunlight in Buildings, ed. Hopkinson R.G., Boeurcentrum International, Rotterdam.

McIntyre D.A.,1982, “Chamber studies - reductio ad absurdum?”, Energy and Buildings, Vol. 5, pp89-96.

Ne’eman E. and Hopkinson R.G., 1970, “Critical minimum acceptable window size: A study of window design and provision of a view,”, Lighting Research and Technology, Vol.2, pp17-27.

Ne’eman E., 1974, “Visual aspects of sunlighting in buildings”, Lighting Research and Technology, Vol.6, pp159-164.

Preller L. Et al., 1990, Indoor Air ‘90, Fifth International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, pp227-230.

Proshansky H.M., 1972, “Methodology in environmental psychology; problems and issues”, Human Factors, 14, pp451-460.

Rheault S. and Bilgen E., 1987, “Heat transfer optimisation of an automated venetian blind window system”, ASES 12th National Passive Solar Conference, Portland, OR, pp122-128.

Russel J.A. and Ward L.M., 1982, “Environmental psychology”, Ann. Rev. Psychol., 33, pp651-688.

Schiller G.E. et al., 1988, “Thermal environments and comfort in office buildings”, ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 94, No.2 pp280-308.

Schiller G.E., 1990, “A comparison of measured and predicted comfort in office buildings”, ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 96, pt.1, pp602-622.

Slater A., 1995, “Occupant use of lighting controls in offices”, CIBSE Journal, Vol.17, No.8, pp43.

Smith S,.W. and Rea M.S., 1978, “Proof-reading under different levels of illumination”, Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society, Vol.27, pp47-52.

Stone N.J. and Irvine J.M., 1994, “Direct or indirect window access, task type, and performance”, Journal of Environmental Psychology, Vol.14, pp57-63.

Sutherland V. and Cooper C.L., 1997, “Stress and the changing nature of work”, Buildings in use ‘97: How buildings really work. Commonwealth Institute, London.

Tennessen C.M. and Cimprich B., 1995, “Views to nature: Effects on attention”, Journal of Environmental Psychology, Vol.15, pp77-85.

Tregenza P.R., et al., 1974, “Consistency and variation in preferences for lighting offices”, Lighting Research and Technology, Vol.6, pp205.

Van Paassen A.H.C. and Lute P.J., 19??, “Natural ventilation and automation with manual over-riding are health solution”, Proceedings Healthy Buildings in Relation to Building Services, pp79-92.

Veitch J.A. and Gifford R., 1996, “Choice, perceived control, and performance decrements in the physical environment”, Journal of Environmental Psychology, Vol.16, pp268-276.

Wells B.W.P., 1965, “Subjective responses to the lighting installation in a modern office building and their design implications”, Building and Environment, Vol.1, pp57-68.

Weston H.C., 1945, “The relation between illuminance and visual performance”, Industrial Health Research Board Report No.87, HMSO, London.