08.12 Further reading

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Categories: Glass & Glazing

The documents listed below have been classified as follows

  • Key References
  • CWCT Publications
  • British Standards
  • Other Standards
  • Other References

Some but not all of of these documents are referred to in the sections of this package. Key references generally cover a significant proportion of the subject matter of the package in greater detail than presented here. Other references generally relate to a small part of the subject matter of the package; they range from short papers to text books. No attempt has been made to compile a comprehensive bibliography but where a literature search has been carried out for other purposes the list of other references is extensive. British Standards include European and ISO Standards adopted as British Standards. It should be noted that British Standards are updated from time to time and that in this updating process they are being replaced by European Standards. The Standards listed may not necessarily be the most up to date version. The current status of Standards can be checked using the BSI online catalogue at www.bsi.org.uk .  Other Standards includes Building Regulations, standards  published by other national standards organisations and standards and guidance documents produced by recognised societies and institutions.

Key References
Button and Pye, 1993, Glass in building, Butterworth Architectural, 372pp.

CWCT Publications
CWCT, 1996, Standard for curtain walling, 2nd edition, Centre for Window and Cladding Technology, University of Bath, 56pp.

CWCT, 1996, Test methods for curtain walling, Centre for Window and Cladding Technology, University of Bath, 32pp.

CWCT, 1996, Guide to good practice for facades, Centre for Window and Cladding Technology, University of Bath, 44pp.

CWCT, 1998, Standard for walls with ventilated rainscreens, Centre for Window and Cladding Technology, University of Bath, 56pp

CWCT, 1998, Standard for testing of ventilated rainscreens Draft for development, Centre for Window and Cladding Technology, University of Bath, 20pp.

CWCT, 1999,  Standard for slope glazing systems, Centre for Window and Cladding Technology, University of Bath, 96pp.

CWCT, 1999,  Test methods for facades: slope glazing systems, Centre for Window and Cladding Technology, University of Bath, 24pp.

CWCT, 1999, Windows with enhanced resistance to intrusion, Centre for Window and Cladding Technology, University of Bath, 51pp.

British Standards
BS 644: Wood windows
Part 1, 1989, Specification for factory assembled windows of various types.
Part 2, 1958, Wood double-hung sash windows
Part 3, 1951, Wood double-hung sash windows (Scottish type)

BS 952: Glass for glazing,
Part 1, 1995, classification,
Part 2, 1980, Terminology for work on glass, British Standards Institution.

BS 4873, 1986, Specification for aluminium alloy windows

BS 5051: Part 1, 1988, Bullet-resistant glazing.  Specification for glazing for interior use, British Standards Institution.
BS 5051: Part 2, 1979 (withdrawn) Specification for bullet resistant glazing for exterior use, British Standards Institution.

BS 5350 (C11) Adhesives (For ASF films and coatings), British Standards Institution.

BS 5516, 1991, Code of practice for design and installation of sloping and vertical patent glazing, British Standards Institution.

BS 5544, 1994, Specification for anti-bandit glazing (glazing resistant to manual attack), British Standards Institution.

BS 5713, 1994, Specification for hermetically sealed flat double glazing units, British Standards Institution.

BS 6180, 1995, Code of practice for barriers in and about buildings, British Standards Institution.

BS 6206, 1994, Specification for impact performance requirements for flat safety glass and safety plastics for use in buildings, British Standards Institution.

BS 6262: Glazing for buildings, Part 4, 1994, Safety related to human impact, British Standards Institution.

BS 6262, 1982, Code of practice for glazing for buildings, British Standards Institution.

BS 6510, 1984, Specification for steel windows, sills, window boards and doors.

BS 7412, 1991, Specification for plastic windows made from pvc-u extruded hollow profiles.

BS 7413, 1991, Specification for white pvc-u extruded hollow profiles with heat welded corner joints for plastic windows: materials type A.

BS 7414, 1991, Specification for white pvc-u extruded hollow profiles with heat welded corner joints for plastic windows: materials type B.

BS 8000: Workmanship on building sites.  Part 7, 1990, Code of practice for glazing, British Standards Institution.

BS EN 673, 1997, Glass in building - Determination of thermal transmittance (U value) - Calculation method, British Standards Institution.

prEN 1279 Glass in building.  Insulating glass units.  Part 2, 1993, Type test on air-filled insulating glass units, British Standards Institution.

prEN 1863 Glass in building - Heat strengthened glass

prEN 12150 Glass in building - thermally toughened safety glass

PrEN 13123-1, 1998, Windows, doors and shutters - explosion resistance - requirements and classification, Part 1: Shock tube, British Standards Institution.

PrEN 13124-1, 1998, Windows, doors and shutters - explosion resistance - test method, Part 1: Shock tube, British Standards Institution.

Other Standards
AAMA, 1984, Structural properties of glass, American Architectural Manufacturers Association

AAMA, 1987, Glass design for sloped glazing, American  Architectural Manufactures Association

GGF, Glazing manual, Glass and Glazing Federation

HMSO, 1992, The Building Regulations 1991, Approved Document B, Fire safety, HMSO Publications.

HMSO, 1992, The Building Regulations 1991, Approved Document K, Stairs, ramps and guards, HMSO Publications.

HMSO, 1995, The Building Regulations 1991, Approved Document L, Conservation of fuel and power, HMSO Publications.

HMSO, 1992, The Building Regulations 1991, Approved Document N, Glazing - materials and protection, HMSO Publications.

Other References
Bulson P S, 1997, Explosive loading of engineering structures, E & FN Spon, London.

Colvin, J B, Explosion resistant glazing (guidance notes), Pilkington Glass Consultants.

Elliott, C L et al, 1992, Protection of buildings against terrorism. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Structures and Buildings, 1994, August, pp 287-297.

James, R T, 1993, Protecting buildings from bomb blasts, CSW - The property week, 10 June 1993, p58.

Mainstone, R J, 1971, The breakage of glass windows by gas explosions, Building Research Station Current Paper 26/71.

Sakula, J, The design of building facades for blast resistance, Proceedings of International Conference on Building Envelope Systems and Technology, ICBEST ’97 pp115-121, Centre for Window and Cladding Technology.

Schittich, Staib, Balkow, Schuler and Sobek, 1999, Glass construction manual, Birkhauser, 328pp.