11.09 Further reading
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The documents listed below have been classified as follows
- Key References
- CWCT Publications
- British Standards
- Other Standards
- Other references
Some but not all of of these documents are referred to in the sections of this package. Key references generally cover a significant proportion of the subject matter of the package in greater detail than presented here. Other references generally relate to a small part of the subject matter of the package; they range from short papers to text books. No attempt has been made to compile a comprehensive bibliography but where a literature search has been carried out for other purposes the list of other references is extensive. British Standards include European and ISO Standards adopted as British Standards. It should be noted that British Standards are updated from time to time and that in this updating process they are being replaced by European Standards. The Standards listed may not necessarily be the most up to date version. The current status of Standards can be checked using the BSI online catalogue at www.bsi.org.uk . Other Standards include Building Regulations, standards published by other national standards organisations and standards and guidance documents produced by recognised societies and institutions.
Key References
Lewis, M D, 1995, Modern Stone Cladding - Design and Installation of Exterior Dimension Stone Systems, ASTM MNL 21 ISBN 0-8031-2061-3.
Smith M (ed), 1999, Stone: Building stone, rock fill and armourstone in construction, 500pp, The geological society.
Burton M (ed), 1999, Designing with stone, Ealing publications, 220pp, ISBN 0 9510117 3 1
CWCT Publications
CWCT, 1996, Standard for curtain walling, 2nd edition, Centre for Window and Cladding Technology, University of Bath, 56pp.
CWCT, 1996, Guide to good practice for facades, Centre for Window and Cladding Technology, University of Bath, 44pp.
CWCT, 1997, A guide to the design and testing of natural stone panels for external use, Centre for Window and Cladding Technology, University of Bath, 56pp..
CWCT, 1998, Standard for walls with ventilated rainscreens, Centre for Window and Cladding Technology, University of Bath, 56pp.
Ledbetter S. R., and Keiller A. P., 1999, Performance and testing of fixings for thin stone cladding, Centre for Window and Cladding Technology, University of Bath, 56pp.
British Standards
BS 435:1993, Specification for Dressed Natural Stone Kerbs, Channels, Quadrants and Setts, British Standards Institution, London.
BS 680, Specification for Roofing Slates, British Standards Institution, London.
BS 812:Part 104:1994, Method for Qualitative and Quantitative Petrographic Examination of Aggregates, British Standards Institution, London.
BS 1881:Part 117:1983, Method for Determination of Tensile Splitting Strength, British Standards Institution, London.
BS 1881:Part 118:1983, Methods for Determination of Flexural Strength, British Standards Institution, London.
BS 2846:Part 3:1975 (1985), Determination of a Statistical Tolerance Interval, British Standards Institution, London.
BS 5628, Code of Practice for the Use of Masonry, British Standards Institution, London.
BS 5642:Part 1:1978, Specification for Window Sills of Precast Concrete, Cast Stone, Clayware, Slate and Natural Stone, British Standards Institution, London.
BS 5080 Structural Fixings in Concrete and Masonry, Part 1: 1993 Method of Test for Tensile Loading, British Standards Institution.
BS 5080 Structural Fixings in Concrete and Masonry, Part 2: 1986 Method for Determination of Resistance to Loading in Shear, British Standards Institution.
BS 5390: 1976, Code of Practice for Stone masonry, British Standards Institution.
BS 5605: 1990, Guide to Accuracy in Building, British Standards Institution.
BS 5930:1981, Code of Practice for Site Investigation, British Standards Institution, London.
BS 5950, Structural Use of Steelwork in Building, British Standards Institution.
BS 8118, Structural Use of Aluminium, British Standards Institution.
BS 8200: 1985, Code of Practice for Design of Non-Loadbearing External Vertical Enclosures of Buildings, British Standards Institution.
BS 8297: 1995, Code of Practice for the Design and Installation of Non-Loadbearing Precast Concrete Cladding, British Standards Institution.
BS 8298:1994, Code of Practice for Design and Installation of Natural Stone Cladding and Lining, British Standards Institution, London.
Other Standards
ASTM C 97-90, 1990, Test Methods for Absorption and Bulk Specific Gravity of Dimensional Stone, American Society for the Testing of Materials.
ASTM C 99-87, 1987 (reapproved 1993), Standard Test Method for Modulus of Rupture of Dimensional Stone, American Society for the Testing of Materials.
ASTM C 120-90, 1990, Standard Test Methods for Flexural Testing of Slate (Modulus of Rupture, Modulus of Elasticity), American Society for the Testing of Materials.
ASTM C 170-90, 1990, Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Dimensional Stone, American Society for the Testing of Materials.
ASTM C 295-90, 1990, Guide to Petrographic Examination of Aggregates for Concrete, American Society for the Testing of Materials.
ASTM C 503-89, 1989, Standard Specification for Marble Dimension Stone (Exterior), American Society for the Testing of Materials.
ASTM C 510-90, 190, Standard Test Method for Staining and Colour Change of Single - Multi Component Joint Sealants, American Society for the Testing of Materials.
ASTM C 568-89, 1989, Standard Specification for Limestone Dimension Stone, American Society for the Testing of Materials.
ASTM C 615-92, 1992, Standard Specification for Granite Dimension Stone, American Society for the Testing of Materials.
ASTM C 616-95, 1995, Standard Specification for Quartz-Based Dimension Stone, American Society for the Testing of Materials.
ASTM C 880-93, 1993, Standard Test Method for Flexural Strength of Dimensional Stone, American Society for the Testing of Materials.
ASTM C1201-91, 1991, Standard Test Method for Structural Performance of Exterior Dimension Stone Cladding Systems by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference, American Society for the Testing of Materials.
ASTM C1242-93, 1993, Guide Specification for the Design, Selection and Installation of Exterior Dimension Stone Anchors and Anchorage Systems, American Society for the Testing of Materials.
ASTM C 1248-93, 1993, Standard Test Method for Staining of Porous Substances by Joint Sealants, American Society for the Testing of Materials.
ASTM D 2203-93, 1993, Standard Test Method for Staining From Sealants, American Society for the Testing of Materials.
BBA, 1988, MOAT 22 UEAtc Directives for the Assessment of External Insulation Systems for Walls (Expanded polystyrene insulation faced with a thin rendering), British Board of Agrément.
CEB, 1994, Fastenings to Concrete and Masonry Structures, Thomas Telford ISBN 0-7277-1937-8.
CFA, 1994, Procedure for Site Testing Construction Fixings, Construction Fixings Association Guidance Note.
DIN 52 104-1, Testing of natural stone; freeze-thaw cycle test; methods A to Q, Deutsche Institut für Normung, Berlin.
ISRM, 1972, Suggested Methods for Determining the Uniaxial Compressive Strength and Deformability of Rock Materials, International Society for Rock Mechanics, October 1972.
NFB 10.502, 1980, Quarried products. Calcareous rock. Measurement of water absorption by capillary attraction, Association Française de Normalisation (AFNOR).
UNI 9724, Materiali lapidei, Ente Nazionale Italiano di Unificazione (UNI)
Other references
Anderson, J M & Gill, J R (1988) Rainscreen cladding - a guide to design principles and practice, Butterworths, London & Construction Industry Research and Information Association.
Architectural Cladding Association Handbook, 1990, A Guide to the Design Detailing and Economics of Precast Concrete Claddings.
Baddoo, N R, 1993, Design of stainless steel fixings and ancillary components, Steel Construction Institute publication 119, ISBN 1 870004 779.
BRE Digest 235, 1980, Fixings for Non-Loadbearing Precast Concrete Cladding Panels, Building Research Establishment.
BRE Digest 420, 1997, Selecting natural building stones, Building Research Establishment
BRE IP6/97, 1997, External cladding using thin stone
BRE IP 7/98, 1998, External cladding: how to determine the thickness of natural stone panels.
BRE IP 17/98, 1998, Lightweight veneer stone cladding panels.
BRE IP 18/98, 1998, Stone cladding panels: in-situ weathering
CIRIA SP87, 1992, Wall Technology - Volume C: Small Units on Framed Buildings, Construction Industry Research and Information Association.
CIRIA R178, 1998, Sealant Joints in the External Envelope of Buildings. A Guide to Design, Specification and Construction, Construction Industry Research and Information Association.
Dawson, S, 1995, Cast in Concrete, The Architectural Cladding Association.
Donaldson, B, 1988, New Stone Technology, Design and Construction for Exterior Wall Systems ASTM STP 996 ISBN 0-8031-1164-9.
Donaldson, B, 1991, Exterior Wall Systems, ASTM STP 1034 ISBN 0-8031-1424-9.
HSC, 1995, Designing for health and safety in construction A guide for designers on the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations (1994), Health and Safety Commission, HMSO, London.
Leary.E., 1986, The building sandstones of the British Isles, Building Research Establishment Report BR 84.
Paterson, W S, 1976, Load Tests on Fixings in Concrete, TN75, Construction Industry Research and Information Association.
Ross K.D and Butlin R.N., 1983, The Selection of Natural Building Stone, Building Research Establishment Digest 269.
Ross K.D and Butlin R.N, 1989, Durability Tests for Building Stone, Building Research Establishment report BR 141
Stein, A, 1993, Bemessung von Nuturstein Fassaden, Rudolf Muller ISBN 3-481- 00360-9.
Taylor, H P J, 1992, Precast Concrete Cladding, Edward Arnold ISBN 0-340-54475-9.
The Structural Engineer, 1999, The post-tensioned, prestressed Ketton stone perimeter frame of the Queen’s Building, Emmanuel College, Cambridge, Vol 77, Number 20, 1999, Institution of Structural Engineers.
Wilson, M and Harrison, P, 1993, Appraisal & Repair of Claddings & Fixings Thomas Telford ISBN 0-7277-1622-X.