14.06 Further reading
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The documents listed below have been classified as follows
- Key References
- CWCT Publications
- British Standards
- Other Standards
- Other References
Some but not all of of these documents are referred to in the sections of this package. Key references generally cover a significant proportion of the subject matter of the package in greater detail than presented here. Other references generally relate to a small part of the subject matter of the package; they range from short papers to text books. No attempt has been made to compile a comprehensive bibliography but where a literature search has been carried out for other purposes the list of other references is extensive. British Standards include European and ISO Standards adopted as British Standards. It should be noted that British Standards are updated from time to time and that in this updating process they are being replaced by European Standards. The Standards listed may not necessarily be the most up to date version. The current status of Standards can be checked using the BSI online catalogue at www.bsi.org.uk . Other Standards includes Building Regulations, standards published by other national standards organisations and standards and guidance documents produced by recognised societies and institutions.
CWCT Publications
CWCT, 1991, Comparative study of the facade industry in the UK, Europe, Japan and the USA, Part 1 The nature and structure of the facade industry, Centre for Window and Cladding Technology, University of Bath, 68pp.
Other References
Briefing the team, CIB, Thomas Telford, 1997, ISBN 0-7277-2541-6
Constructing success, CIB, Thomas Telford, 1997, ISBN 0-7277 2541-6
Code of practice for the selection of main contractors, CIB, Thomas Telford, 1997, ISBN 0-7277-2618-8
Code of practice for the selection of subcontractors, CIB, Thomas Telford, 1997, ISBN 0-7277-2543-2
Selecting consultants for the team: balancing quality and price, CIB, Thomas Telford, 1997, ISBN 0-7277-2543-2
Partnering in the team, CIB, Thomas Telford, 1997, ISBN 0-7277-2551-3