Edit key window
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The Edit Key Window is where you configure the audio clip for playback. You can also change how the key is displayed, such as the display name, key and font colors. To open the Edit Key Window, simply right click on the desired key.
Mac users: the 'secondary click' or 'right-click' is Ctrl combined with a mouse-click
Click any of the items in the list that corresponds to the image below to see more detailed information

- 1. Key display
- 2. Remove audio
- 3. Load audio
- 4. Edit display name
- 5. Key color
- 6. Font color
- 7. Audio information
- 8. Playmode: Trigger
- 9. Playmode: Toggle
- 10. Playmode: Sticky
- 11. Export audio
- 12. Jump to start
- 13. Play
- 14. Pause
- 15. Stop
- 16. Jump to end
- 17. Toggle looping
- 18. Set start point
- 19. Set end point
- 20. Volume
- 21. Waveform overview
- 22. Waveform
- 23. Waveform zoom
- 24. Play cursor position
- 25. Ok/Apply button
- 26. Cancel button