Selecting the start point, end point, and looping
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Most audio files have a bit of dead air in the beginning of the file. KueIt allows you to select a start point at the part of the file where the audio begins. This allows for a quicker and much more accurate triggering process. To do this, launch the Edit Key Window. If the button already has audio assigned to it, KueIt will begin to draw the waveform of the file. If the audio has not been selected, simply click the button and select your audio. Once the audio is selected, the waveform will begin to draw. By default, KueIt will use Auto Kue and find the first sound in the audio file and set that as the start point for that audio. Auto kue can be turned on or off using the Preferences menu. If you don't like that start point, read below on how to set a new one:

Setting a start point: Use the waveforms to find the position you would like to set the starting point. Use the zoom slider to zoom in the waveform for more precision. Click on the button to set the start point.
Setting an end point: Use the waveforms to find the position you would like to set the end point. Use the zoom slider to zoom in the waveform for more precision. Click on the button to set the end point.
Looping the audio: Once you have set the start and end points, you can click on the button to toggle looping on or off.
If looping is on, the audio will loop infinitely within the start and end points until you stop the audio manually. The key will also show a ↻ symbol on the bottom right corner of the display.