View modes
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The 2 main views in KueIt are Full Screen Mode and Half Screen Mode.
Full Screen Mode is used when all the features of KueIt are needed from the Individual or Disk Jockey. To enter Full Screen Mode, click the Full Screen option in the View menu, or maximize the window. Click the maximize button again to return back to normal view.
Half Screen Mode is helpful when you want to use KueIt at the same time as other audio applications or programs. In this mode, you can toggle back and forth between programs by using the key combinations below:
Mac | Windows |
⌘ + Tab | Alt + Tab |
In this mode, KueIt will only display the play keys. This is because when you are toggled in KueIt, you can still see the main operational data of most other DJ software on the screen. This allows for the best of both worlds. To enter Half Screen Mode, click the or
buttons on the main screen to enter Half Screen mode.