My multi-channel audio device is only showing 2 channels. How do I show all channels?
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Sometimes the macOS defaults your audio devices to the stereo 2 channel output. Here is how to change this:
In the KueIt audio settings tab, click on the yellow link that reads Stereo (2 out) / 48000 Hz (or similar)
Your system's audio setup app should open up. Highlight your audio device from the list on the left, then click on the Configure Speakers button in the lower right corner of the window.
Inside this window, click on the Configuration pulldown at the top to see the list out output configurations. Select the highest one in the list (i.e. 7.1 Rear Surround) and hit Apply at the bottom of the window. Then hit Done and close this setup app.
Go back to the KueIt audio settings tab and click on the refresh devices icon. Your selected audio device should now be configured so you can select more output channels.