How to use the message feed page
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The message feed is the list of incoming messages that you have received. It is also where you approve or reject messages to be shown on the output screen. As new messages are received in JammText, you will see a count of how many pending messages you have that need to be approved or rejected. This count is displayed above the message feed tab icon.

You will also see a link that says View new messages above the feed.

When you click on the View new messages link, the new pending messages will then appear in your message feed list. JammText will automatically select the oldest pending message.

If the message has an associated picture with it, you will see a picture icon next to the text. When highlighted, the picture will display to the right of the selected messages preview box. For a better preview of the picture, click the picture to make it larger. Click anywhere on the expanded picture to close the preview.

Note that you can click on any message at any time to highlight the message. The highlighted message will appear in the selected message preview box above the message feed.