Using the control window
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To launch or close the control window, click the control window icon on the upper right corner of JammText. It is the first of three icons. The icon will appear green if the control window is visible and red if it is not.

The control window works similar to the main JammText app's message feed. Use the green checkmark and the red X to approve and reject messages. If the message is a picture message, the green checkmark is replaced with a picture icon.

Clicking the icon allows you to preview the picture. Once you have previewed the picture, the picture icon will become a green checkmark and allow you to approve or reject the message.
If a text message is too long to show in the control window but does not have a picture, the checkmark icon will turn into elipses (...).

You can click on the button to see an expanded view of the message text, then approve and reject as usual.

Aside from approving and rejecting, the control window has several other features.

Click the chat bubble icon to send a reply to the contact that sent the current message. This will put the JammText app in focus and go to the contacts page with the contact selected. Type a message and hit send.
The bell icon button allows you to see JammText notifications. These include important information about your account, including usage and payment information.
Click the message feed button to bring the main JammText app in focus and go directly to the message feed. This is helpful if you want to change the status of a message. For example, if you accidentally approved a message, click the message feed icon button, then highlight the message and click the red X.
The status of any message can be changed at anytime during your event.
Please note that all messages that you approve will display on the screen in order after you approve them. For example, if you have 8 pending messages and approve all 8 messages at once, JammText will add them to a queue and display them in the order in which they were received, mixing in advertisements and audience instructions. There is no need to pace yourself in approving messages. Filter several messages at once when you have time, and JammText will handle the rest.
The last button on the right is the custom shortcut button. You can set this shortcut on the Settings page. Options are: Toggle Display and Toggle karaoke mode. Click on the shortcut key to toggle the display on/off, or toggle karaoke mode on/off.