How to view and edit a contact
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Click on a contact to see more detailed information about the contact. By default, JammText will fill in any information that is available when the contact first messaged you. For example, on a Twitter contact, JammText will fill in the name from the contact's Twitter profile. You can edit this contact information by clicking on the pencil icon, then filling in the fields, then clicking on the save icon. Adding a nickname or gender can come in handy when sending batch messages .

To the right of the contact information, JammText shows past interaction with the contact in a chat-style format. You can send messages sent by the contact as well as messages you sent to the contact.
Groups are shown on the top left. Create a new group by clicking on the + button and typing in a name for the group. The ALL group contains all contacts. Clicking on ALL will show every contact in your account. Search for a particular contact using the search bar above the list of contacts.
JammText makes it easy to organize your contacts into groups. For example, suppose you want to keep a list of all contacts who messaged you at during your QuayNJ event. Create a QuaysNJ group. Then click on the event. Select all contacts. (To do this, click on the first contact, then hold shift and click on the last contact.) Drag all the contacts to the QuaysNJ group.
Delete a group by selecting the group and clicking on the trash button. Deleting a group will not delete the contacts inside the group.