Adjusting video DJ software to work with JammText
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JammText will work seamlessly with most video DJ software, including Serato Video, Mix Emergency, and Virtual DJ 8 or newer. Drag your DJ software output to the second screen (the same screen as the JammText display). To ensure that JammText appears on top of your videos, in your DJ sofware settings, make sure the video software is not set to always on top. For example, in MixEmergency, go to preferences then click the advanced tab. Then check Lower full screen level. In VirtualDJ, go to settings, then options. Make sure Advanced Options is checked, then go to video, and set videoWindowAlwaysOnTop to NO. Serato Video users do not have to change any settings because Serato video does not have an always on top setting. Jammtext will automatically work correctly with Serato Video.