Launching and closing the display
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The most common way to launch the display is to start an event. The display app will automatically be launched when you press play to start your event (see the events section). When you start an event, the JammText display will begin displaying default messages and audience instructions. (check out the common features)
You can also launch or close the display regardless of event status. Toggle the display by clicking on the icon in the upper right corner of the main JammText app. If the icon is green the display is launched. If the icon is red the display is closed.

You can also launch/close the display by clicking on the shortcut button in the control window (last button on the right), if you have set this shortcut to toggle the display in settings.

The first time you launch the display, it will open in a window. Drag this window to your second screen and double click on it to make it full screen. JammText will remember the position and attempt to launch full screen to the same screen the next time the display is launched. If JammText is unable to launch to that screen, it will revert to launching to a window in your primary screen.