Common features of the display
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Event message and pictures
The JammText display will only show messages and pictures from the event in progress. No messages or pictures from previous events are shown. If you launch the display when an event is not in progress, the display will only show items from the selected montage.
Audience instructions
If an event is in progress, JammText will display instructions to text your number or hashtag on social media. These instructions will use the hashtag selected in your montage (see setting a hashtag above). If texting, Twitter, or email are disabled, the instruction for that form of communication will not be shown.
No internet
If you lose Internet connection during an event, the JammText display will act as if there is no event in progress. No messages, pictures, or audience instructions will be shown. This is to avoid audience confusion and frustration. If people in the audience see instructions to text the screen and send messages, they will be frustrated when nothing is shown on screen (because the Internet connection is down). Once your Internet connection is restored, JammText will resume displaying pictures and messages from the event as well as instructions.
Message attributes
All messages are shown with the following attributes.
Message text. JammText shows the message text for SMS/MMS and emails, or tweet text for Twitter. Long messages (>160 characters) are shortened, as well as social media posts that contain many hashtags. If there is no message text on a picture message, JammText will fill in "JammText Picture Message" to avoid showing blanks.
Sender. For social media messages, JammText shows the username of the person who sent the message/picture. For SMS/MMS, JammText displays "SMS" or "MMS"; it does not display audience phone numbers due to privacy concerns. For emails, JammText displays "EMAIL" for same privacy reason.
Number/hashtag. For social media messages, JammText shows the hashtag that was used. For SMS/MMS, JammText shows your dedicated number that the message was sent to. For emails, JammText shows your dedicated email address that the email was sent to.
Time. This is the time the message was received.
Picture. If there is a picture for this message, JammText displays the picture.
Default messages
When an event is first started, JammText pre-populates the display will a few default messages. The default messages instruct the audience to send messages and pictures, and have placeholder pictures with silhouette faces on them. These messages are intended to spark audience interaction. After several audience messages and pictures have been received, the default messages appear rarely if at all.