Using fullscreen mode
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Entering full screen mode
Click the icon on the left in the group of 3 icons at the top of JammText. This will put JammText in full screen mode. Alternatively, if you run JammText in a window, the content inside the window will be the same as full screen mode.
Screens in full screen mode
There are three types of screens in full screen mode.
Chat screen. This is the bread and butter of JammText. The chat screen shows the last few messages that were approved, along with audience instructions at the top. Messages and pictures are first shown on the chat screen. Old messages scroll off before new ones are added.
Each message shows the message text, sender, time received, what number or hashtag was used, and any picture that was sent.
Picture rewind screen. After a picture message has been shown it may appear later in the rewind screen. This screen shows a sequence of several picture messages (MMS, Twitter, or Email), with the pictures expanded to fit the full screen.
The rewind screen appears from time to time. JammText shows rewind pictures intelligently. Recent pictures are shown more often, while old ones appear infrequently. The rewind screen also appears more often if you have received more pictures. The logic is designed to keep your display looking current and promotes interactivity.
Montage slide screen. JammText shows slides from your montage, including full screen images and any videos. Images are shown for 8 seconds, while video shows for the full duration of the video. The slides are always shown a few at a time, in the order they appear in the montage. If the same montage item appears twice consecutively, it will show for double the time instead of displaying twice in a row.
If there are no slides in the selected montage, JammText will try to keep showing the chat screen and rewind screen. However, you will occasionally see a default slide (typically once every 5-10 minutes). This is to prevent screen burn from having a stagnant display in some situations. If there are at least two slides in the selected montage, JammText will not display any default slides.
How it flows
JammText will try to display more recent content as much as possible. As new messages come in, they receive the highest priority. All messages first appear in the chat screen.
If there are no new messages, recent messages (approved in the last 5 minutes) are prioritized next. The chat screen shows the last few messages. Recent picture messages are then displayed again in the rewind screen.
Lastly, if there are no recent messages, the rewind screen will appear less frequently and will show randomly selected pictures from the event.