How do I pause an event? I want to show a slide show or karaoke without JammText interrupting.
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There is no pause button to pause an event. However, if you need to pause showing JammText content, you can close the display, then later relaunch it. Click on the TV monitor icon in the upper right corner of JammText to toggle the display. JammText will continue running, but the output will not be shown to the audience. Click the TV monitor icon again to launch the display when you want to resume JammText output. The TV monitor icon will be green if the display is running and red if it is closed.
Note that if you stop an event, JammText will no longer show the messages and pictures from that event. You should not close an event until your event has ended and you no longer want to show the media from that event. You can also close JammText without ending your event (for example, if you need to reboot). When you close JammText, it will prompt you on whether to end the ongoing event. Press No to keep your JammText event open. JammText will keep your event running for up to two hours while the app is closed.