Custom 'white-label' Branding (Power User accounts or higher)
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Please note: This feature is only available for Power User accounts or higher. If you do not have a least a Power User account, you can upgrade your plan.
Aside from adding your own advertisements, images, and video content to your montage, custom branding gives you more options to promote your brand. Here are the key features:
Number displayed as. Enter how you want to display your dedicated texting phone number here. The phone number will be shown how it is entered in the text box. You may use letters as well. For example, if your JammText number is 646-699-3866, you can type (646) 699-FUNN. The JammText display will then tell the audience to text (646) 699-FUNN. Use the number/letter chart shown to the right of the text box as a reference.

Brand name. This is your brand name that JammText should display. The brand name is used in several places.
- If someone sends a blank picture message, the display will show YourBrand Picture Message, where YourBrand is the brand you enter.
- The display will show YourBrand Picture Rewind when it shows the picture rewind screen on full screen mode
- If you do not have any slides in your montage, JammText will create a placeholder slide that says YourBrand. This will only show when you first launch the display, if you drop internet connection, or in rare situations when JammText cannot show user-generated content.
Social media name. When you start an event, JammText shows some default messages for a period of time until you receive audience messages. Social media default messages will appear to come from the social media username you specify here (by default it comes from @JammText).