Why are my videos not showing when using JammText with other DJ software on Windows? (example: using Serato & JammText at the same time)
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It is possible that JammText and your DJ software (i.e. Virtual DJ/Serato/RekordBox) are both trying to use the same sound card for audio playback. This can cause a conflict that will interrupt video play back inside JammText. To solve this issue:
Go to your Control Panel (click on Start and search for Control Panel to find it)

Click on Hardware and Sound

Then under Sound, click on Manage Audio Devices

Make sure that your computers built in sound card or laptop speakers is set as the default audio device. Make sure it is NOT set to your DJ Hardware (example: Serato Controller or Mixer)

Once this is set, restart both JammText and your DJ software. You should now be able to play videos through JammText.