Loading audio to a key
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To load audio to a key, drag the audio file (mp3, wav, ogg, aiff, etc) to the desired key. The audio will load to the key & Auto-Kue to the first sound detected in the file. You can also right-click on the key you would like to load audio to (Mac users: the 'secondary click' or 'right-click' is CTRL combined with a mouse-click), and a pop-up menu will appear. In this pop-up, you can use the Browse button to find the audio you're looking for. Click Open to load your audio to the desired button. At this point, you can select a key color, the playmode, the tag info for the key, the volume and the offset. All of these steps can be done at once in the same pop-up window, or one at a time as you think of changes you'd like to make. Again, we recommend that you click Save after each change you make to your profile!