Selecting start and end points and looping
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Most audio files have a bit of dead air in the beginning of the file; this offset lets you set a new start point at the part of the file where the audio begins. This allows for a quicker and much more accurate triggering process. To set the offset, right-click on the key you would like to set the offset to. If the button already has audio assigned to it, KueIt will begin to draw the waveform of the file; if the audio has not been selected, simply click the Browse button and select your audio. Once the audio is selected, the waveform will begin to draw. By default, KueIt will find the first sound in the audio file & set that as the Offset for that key (Note: Auto-kue can be turned on or off using the Preferences menu); if you don't like that start point, click anywhere in the waveform and click the Offset, Start button. This will set a new Offset. To fine-tune your Offset, you can click the left & right arrows in the Offset section. Depending on your system, KueIt will either draw the entire waveform or the first 15 seconds by default (see Adjusting the Waveform Display for more).
To find the end point of a file, use the same process as above--the only difference is that you click the End button instead of the Start button! The double-arrow button next to the Start button will send the cursor to the beginning of the file, and the double-arrow button next to the End button will send the cursor to the end of the file. Once you've selected the desired start & end points, you can choose to loop the file or play it normally. To loop the file, just check the box next to the word Loop. When you're finished in the edit window, click OK.