Controlling playlists
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You can play a playlist two ways: click the big button on the top left corner of the Auto-Play section (on the Main screen), or hit the shortcut key (which can be assigned in the Main tab of the Preferences window--you can MIDI assign this button as well). When you click the Play button, audio will start playing from the currently highlighted playlist; to stop play, you can hit the Space bar or ESC (this will stop all audio in KueIt), or hit the big button in the Auto-Play section while holding down the Shift key (also see Setting up Playlists above).
In the playlist window, you will see 3 columns. The first column is the status of the track; the middle column displays the tag name (which can be changed by right-clicking the audio track); the last column displays the time for the audio or delay track (which can also be changed by right-clicking the track). To select the next track to play in the playlist, double-click the status column of the track. You will notice that there will be an arrow in the status column; this means that when the current track is finished, the track you just selected will play next. The playlist will continue in order from that point forward. After a track is played, a dot will appear in that track's status column. If the track cannot be loaded for any reason, the track will turn RED and will be skipped. Clicking the X at the top will clear the statuses of all tracks for the current playlist.
There are two timers in the big button of the Auto-Play section. The smaller timer displays the time of the track that is either currently playing or next in queue; the larger timer shows the time left in the current playlist.