What about workholding or the workpiece?
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In most cases, if we stabilize the milling tool, workholding vibration issues go away. If there is still chatter present at a stable speed according to the Dashboard, first use the Harmonizer software to measure the part vibration and calculate a new speed. Alternatively, tap test the tool and generate a Dashboard. Using the same tool settings, tap test the part in the x and y directions, moving the accelerometer to be directly across from the hammer impact, or as close as the part will allow. Generate a Dashboard for that file. Find a stable speed, width and depth of cut that is common to both Dashboards. If the part Dashboard is all green at all speeds and depths of cut, part vibration is not an issue.
See also: Tap-Testing a thin wall part.
Here is an an example:
Here is tapping the part in X.
Here is tapping the part in Y
This is the tool's Dashboard, showing stable cutting.
This is the part Dashboard, using the same settings as the tool. There is a lot of red.
An extra clamp was added to the fixture, stiffing the part. This is the resulting Dashboard.
UPDATE: June 2022
You can now use Virtual Runoff to compare the tool and workpiece Dashboards. Load both dashboards into Virtual Runoff and click the check box to lock the speed adjustments. Find a speed that is green for both the tool and the workpiece.