Windows and doors: Watertightness

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Categories: Performance : Windows & Doors

The performance characteristics listed below are relevant to products covered by EN 14351-1 Windows and doors - Product standard, performance characteristics - Part 1: Windows and external pedestrian doorsets without resistance to fire and/or smoke leakage characteristics

This requirement applies to:

Roof windowsYes

Doorsets and openable windows with fire resisting and/or smoke control characteristics are covered by EN 14600

Pedestrian doorsets, industrial, commercial, garage doors and windows are covered by prEN 16034



The window, door or roof window shall prevent the passage of water.

A screen comprising a number of windows and/or doors may be tested as a whole or may be classified according to the lowest performing individual component within the screen. EN 14351 is not clear as to what comprises a component. In principle it should include coupling bars and the seals between coupling bars and window/doors.

It is recommended that when classifying and CE marking screens a test of at least two windows/doors and a coupling bar should have been tested. This would be in line with the NHBC requirement for testing of glazed screens.


EN 1027Windows and doors. Watertightness. Test method
EN 12208Windows and doors. Watertightness. Classification


Method of test

The test method is described in EN 1027. The window is mounted on a test box and sprayed with water while a variable pressure difference is maintained across the window, door or roof window. There are two test methods (methods A and B) which differ only in the way that water is sprayed on to the specimen.

Test method A is applicable to components that are fully exposed (Windows and doors in curtain walling or similar constructions and roof windows).

Test method B is applicable to components that are shielded when installed (Windows and doors recessed in brick or block walls).


The class of performance is given as a number indicating the peak test pressure and the letter A or B signifying the test method and conditions of use.

Peak test pressureTest method ATest method B
50 Pa2A2B
100 Pa3A3B
150 Pa4A4B
200 Pa5A5B
250 Pa6A6B
300 Pa7A7B
450 Pa8A-
600 Pa9A-
> 600 PaExxxx-


CE Marking

UK Regulations make no specific requirements for watertightness:

Locationnpd allowed
England and WalesYes
Northern IrelandYes