What you will see if you are missing key data and try to generate a Dashboard
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This is the data that is the minimum required for a Dashboard to be generated:
1. Maximum RPM
2. Maximum HP
1. Diameter
2. Flute Length/Length of Cut
3. Number of Teeth/Flutes
1. You must select a material from the database
These are the impacts on Dashboards of missing key data:
If the machine's RPM is missing, you will see this error message and the Dashboard will not generate (you will need to close the program and reopen file):
If the machine's maximum horsepower is left blank, you will see "Infinity" in the power field:
If the tool diameter field is left blank or zero, you will get this error message and an incomplete Dashboard.
If no length of cut or flute length is specified, you will get a single line on the cutter graphic and if you try to enter a value in the depth of cut field it will revert back to zero:
If you do not select a material, the speed dial will be all green (or all red). The Accuracy and Surface Finish gages at the bottom of the Dashboard will stay blank no matter what speed or depths of cut are chosen.
Number of teeth. This is critical. If you have the wrong number of teeth the Dashboard will generate, but will be incorrect. The first Dashboard was for the cutter with two teeth and the second was the same tool and machine but with only one tooth entered in the appropriate field.
CLICK HERE to see other impacts of incomplete data