Customer's current tool is stable but the tap-test and Dashboard say it is in the red.
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The vast majority of the time Dashboards are correct, but occasionally you may come across these two possible scenarios. The Dashboard on the left shows red where the customer is currently running stable without chatter. The Dashboard on the right is just the opposite, and far rarer, where the Dashboard shows green, but the resulting cut is in chatter. In both cases the absence or presence of chatter is confirmed using Harmonizer.
Assuming the measurement (tap-test) is accurate, you can calibrate the material properties for a specific application. In the first case, the customer, through trial and error or just sheer luck, was able to find a small stable pocket, but not one within a major lobe or green area on the Dashboard. By adjusting the material properties, more specifically, the Cutting Stiffness (Ks), you can effectively dial in, or calibrate, the Dashboard and then optimize the cutting parameters. We have created a new process to make that easier.
You can access the training by CLICKING HERE.
You can open the Calibrate Dashboard calculator on your iPhone by using your camera and aim at the following QR code:
You can also use your iPhone's Safari browser and go to:
If for some reason the online calculator is not available, you can use the Excel spreadsheet attached below.
Below are the stability lobe diagrams of the two Dashboards shown above. The customer's parameters (speed, width and depth of cut) are represented by the green dot. The upper diagram was used to create the initial Dashboard. As you can see the customer's parameters are just outside the stable lobe. We slightly adjusted the material properties. Note that the locations of the stable speeds did not change, but the height of the lobes, or maximum depth of cut, increased. In the lower diagram the customer's parameters are now in a stable lobe and show this in the calibrated Dashboard.
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